Industrial — ECOSYSTEM
Industrial — ECOSYSTEM

ARS TECH has consistently demonstrated a strong inclination towards research and development (R&D) focused on process innovation. This commitment has enabled the company to access public and European funding, which has had a significant impact on its growth and organizational development.
Thanks to these resources, ARS TECH has implemented cutting-edge solutions for process optimization and the development of the circular economy, benefiting both the company’s competitiveness and environmental sustainability.
Thanks to these resources, ARS TECH has implemented cutting-edge solutions for process optimization and the development of the circular economy, benefiting both the company’s competitiveness and environmental sustainability.

– Lightweight materials to reduce environmental impact
– Production of frames and components for electric vehicles (Formula E)
– Biocompatible composites derived from natural fibers (flax, hemp)
– Component washing system with green, solvent-free detergents
– Ultraviolet air filtration and treatment in work environments
– Dust filtration to stabilize the air and reduce virus dispersion
– Photovoltaic system for renewable electricity production
– Production of frames and components for electric vehicles (Formula E)
– Biocompatible composites derived from natural fibers (flax, hemp)
– Component washing system with green, solvent-free detergents
– Ultraviolet air filtration and treatment in work environments
– Dust filtration to stabilize the air and reduce virus dispersion
– Photovoltaic system for renewable electricity production

for the next —
The company is committed to continuing its commercial penetration process and the execution of the substantial investment program initiated in previous fiscal years and currently in an ongoing implementation phase.

Trend of human resources

Revenue Trend
The main
— projects
In June 2023, ARS issued a €10 million minibond to support the development of its industrial plan, with a specific focus on energy efficiency and circular economy. Sella, through its Corporate & Investment Banking division, assisted ARS Tech as the arranger of the operation and exclusive financial advisor to the issuer. Riello Investimenti Partners SGR acted as an anchor investor, subscribing €7 million of the issuance, while Banca Sella subscribed €2 million, and Sella Sgr €1 million.
Agreements for innovation within specific areas of intervention related to the second Pillar of the “Horizon Europe” program involve Ars Tech as the lead partner in a partnership of significant scientific relevance, with the project titled “IPRECC” – Innovative Process for Recycling Carbon Composite. The aim of the R&D project is to enhance aspects of the circular economy with positive impacts in terms of ESG. The total project budget amounts to €6,449,953 with subsidies amounting to €4,023,471.
Revitalization of the Complex Crisis Area Val Vibrata, Valle del Tronto Piceno – Law 181/1989 – Project RAC 0055. Investments made in the period 2017-2021 focused on the initial phase of implementing the industrial complex in Controguerra (TE), involving the acquisition of innovative plants and machinery for a total of €3,566,240, with concessions granted by Invitalia totaling €2,383,111. The project was successfully completed, surpassing even the expected increase in employment.
Thanks to the facilitations provided under Article 6 of the Decree of June 1, 2016, under Axis 1, Action 1.1.3 of the Operational Program “Enterprises and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 ERDF, within the framework of the Fund for Sustainable Growth, ARS TECH has implemented a research and development project titled ‘ONE SHOT CURE’ (no. F/050087/00/X32). In this project, the chassis, previously disassembled into various sub-components made with different technologies and materials, is appropriately assembled and produced using a single autoclave molding process. This results in increased production simplicity, reduced manufacturing times, and greater cost-effectiveness, yielding an almost finished chassis ready for vehicle assembly.
The overall process is characterized by minimal manual labor, reliability, and repeatability, generating a product with performance and reliability levels superior to those achieved with traditional composite material joining systems. The technological innovation introduced in the project realizes an innovative hot bonding technique for composite material components and sub-components, surpassing the adhesion limits of traditional assembly techniques (cold gluing or the use of rivets and mechanical fasteners). The project as a whole incurred expenses totaling €1,649,675, with subsidies amounting to €907,321.
The overall process is characterized by minimal manual labor, reliability, and repeatability, generating a product with performance and reliability levels superior to those achieved with traditional composite material joining systems. The technological innovation introduced in the project realizes an innovative hot bonding technique for composite material components and sub-components, surpassing the adhesion limits of traditional assembly techniques (cold gluing or the use of rivets and mechanical fasteners). The project as a whole incurred expenses totaling €1,649,675, with subsidies amounting to €907,321.

The R&D project – project No. F/190024/00/X44 of industrial research and experimental development, funded through the resources made available by the ministerial decree of March 5, 2018, Operational Program “Enterprises and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 ERDF – titled ‘Innovative Process for the Production of Complex Hollow Bodies,’ has led to the identification of a new manufacturing process for complex hollow bodies using advanced composite materials. The project as a whole incurred expenses totaling €1,943,770, with subsidies amounting to €1,033,509.

The R&D project REACTive Product Design and Manufacturing with the identification code ARS01_01031, in collaboration with a national partnership of significant scientific and industrial interest, qualified for incentives under the Operational Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020 and the Sustainable Growth Fund managed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. The project engaged the company in the three-year period 2019-2021, with its own resources amounting to €970,200 and other operational costs estimated at €234,040, resulting in incentives of €602,120.